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Palace Square
If you ask the average Russian what is the main area in our country, he will answer: “Red”. And not that he will be mistaken, but he will not be quite right. Of course, this is true in our time, but a hundred years ago the answer would certainly have been different — Palace Square.
Even now it remains the largest, the most ceremonial, the most harmonious, representing an architectural ensemble built by great architects and united by the genius of Karl Rossi. Its history does not go back centuries, as in the central square of the current capital, but this square also remembers many events.
At first, it was a glacis, a place for placing artillery in the event of an enemy attack from the sea. Then it was filled with scaffolding, ship chains and anchors. Then the square was overgrown with grass and became a huge Admiralty Meadow, from which the first three streets of St. Petersburg began. The meadow saw many folk festivals, where wine poured from the fountains, bulls roasted whole carcasses, funny fireworks lights burned until midnight. On weekdays, it was a pasture, a construction site, a parade ground for marching exercises, and coachmen warmed themselves by the fires on winter evenings.
Since the mid-18th century, the meadow began to turn into a square. Its main building, covering nine hectares, was built — the beautiful [Winter Palace] ( All the architects who designed the buildings around the square unanimously saw its northern border in the form of an arc.
The building of the [General Staff] ( with the Arc de Triomphe of Karl Rossi is still a worthy frame for the precious masterpiece, such as the Palace square. Her image was completed by the famous [Alexander Column] (, crowned with an angel.
It organizes the largest and most spectacular shows, concerts of popular and jazz musicians. At the end of June, Palace Square becomes one of the venues where the multimedia performance Scarlet Sails is held. And in December, the main Christmas tree in the city is installed on it. On New Year's Eve, a big festive concert with dance flash mobs, performances by artists and colorful fireworks takes place here.
If you ask the average Russian what is the main area in our country, he will answer: “Red”. And not that he will be mistaken, but he will not be quite right. Of course, this is true in our time, but a hundred years ago the answer would certainly have been different — Palace Square.
Even now it remains the largest, the most ceremonial, the most harmonious, representing an architectural ensemble built by great architects and united by the genius of Karl Rossi. Its history does not go back centuries, as in the central square of the current capital, but this square also remembers many events.
At first, it was a glacis, a place for placing artillery in the event of an enemy attack from the sea. Then it was filled with scaffolding, ship chains and anchors. Then the square was overgrown with grass and became a huge Admiralty Meadow, from which the first three streets of St. Petersburg began. The meadow saw many folk festivals, where wine poured from the fountains, bulls roasted whole carcasses, funny fireworks lights burned until midnight. On weekdays, it was a pasture, a construction site, a parade ground for marching exercises, and coachmen warmed themselves by the fires on winter evenings.
Since the mid-18th century, the meadow began to turn into a square. Its main building, covering nine hectares, was built — the beautiful [Winter Palace] ( All the architects who designed the buildings around the square unanimously saw its northern border in the form of an arc.
The building of the [General Staff] ( with the Arc de Triomphe of Karl Rossi is still a worthy frame for the precious masterpiece, such as the Palace square. Her image was completed by the famous [Alexander Column] (, crowned with an angel.
It organizes the largest and most spectacular shows, concerts of popular and jazz musicians. At the end of June, Palace Square becomes one of the venues where the multimedia performance Scarlet Sails is held. And in December, the main Christmas tree in the city is installed on it. On New Year's Eve, a big festive concert with dance flash mobs, performances by artists and colorful fireworks takes place here.
If you ask the average Russian what is the main area in our country, he will answer: “Red”. And not that he will be mistaken, but he will not be quite right. Of course, this is true in our time, but a hundred years ago the answer would certainly have been different — Palace Square.
Even now it remains the largest, the most ceremonial, the most harmonious, representing an architectural ensemble built by great architects and united by the genius of Karl Rossi. Its history does not go back centuries, as in the central square of the current capital, but this square also remembers many events.
At first, it was a glacis, a place for placing artillery in the event of an enemy attack from the sea. Then it was filled with scaffolding, ship chains and anchors. Then the square was overgrown with grass and became a huge Admiralty Meadow, from which the first three streets of St. Petersburg began. The meadow saw many folk festivals, where wine poured from the fountains, bulls roasted whole carcasses, funny fireworks lights burned until midnight. On weekdays, it was a pasture, a construction site, a parade ground for marching exercises, and coachmen warmed themselves by the fires on winter evenings.
Since the mid-18th century, the meadow began to turn into a square. Its main building, covering nine hectares, was built — the beautiful [Winter Palace] ( All the architects who designed the buildings around the square unanimously saw its northern border in the form of an arc.
The building of the [General Staff] ( with the Arc de Triomphe of Karl Rossi is still a worthy frame for the precious masterpiece, such as the Palace square. Her image was completed by the famous [Alexander Column] (, crowned with an angel.
It organizes the largest and most spectacular shows, concerts of popular and jazz musicians. At the end of June, Palace Square becomes one of the venues where the multimedia performance Scarlet Sails is held. And in December, the main Christmas tree in the city is installed on it. On New Year's Eve, a big festive concert with dance flash mobs, performances by artists and colorful fireworks takes place here.
Palace Square