Détails de l'endroit

Détails de l'endroit

Traektoria Wake Park

Doing water slalom, acrobatics and jumping at once is what it means to get involved in wakeboarding. Fans of this extreme sport run to Gorky Park to try out the Sesitec System 2.0 reversible winch, a park set of figures and, of course, jump from a double-sided springboard.

Wake Park is located on the Andreevsky Pond in the Neskuchny Garden. After paying 500 rubles for a set (about 10 minutes), you will practice on these water skies—snowboarding—skate—surfing, and the price includes the necessary equipment.

Wake Park is open until autumn from 7:00am to 10:00pm

Doing water slalom, acrobatics and jumping at once is what it means to get involved in wakeboarding. Fans of this extreme sport run to Gorky Park to try out the Sesitec System 2.0 reversible winch, a park set of figures and, of course, jump from a double-sided springboard.

Wake Park is located on the Andreevsky Pond in the Neskuchny Garden. After paying 500 rubles for a set (about 10 minutes), you will practice on these water skies—snowboarding—skate—surfing, and the price includes the necessary equipment.

Wake Park is open until autumn from 7:00am to 10:00pm

Doing water slalom, acrobatics and jumping at once is what it means to get involved in wakeboarding. Fans of this extreme sport run to Gorky Park to try out the Sesitec System 2.0 reversible winch, a park set of figures and, of course, jump from a double-sided springboard.

Wake Park is located on the Andreevsky Pond in the Neskuchny Garden. After paying 500 rubles for a set (about 10 minutes), you will practice on these water skies—snowboarding—skate—surfing, and the price includes the necessary equipment.

Wake Park is open until autumn from 7:00am to 10:00pm


8, Pushkinskaya Embankment

Emploi du temps

daily 7:00am — 10:00pm


+7 925 717-31-58

Site web


La Source

