Détails de l'endroit

Détails de l'endroit

Historical mosque

According to the archives, the mosque was built in August 1823 with the money of the capital's merchants of Tatar origin. There is information that the temple was on this site before, but burned down during the battles with Napoleon's army for Moscow.

First, a small prayer building without minarets was built. However, the community grew and soon the temple became too small to accommodate enough believers. And then, in 1880, it was decided to reconstruct the Historical Mosque for the first time. With the advent of Soviet power, crisis times came for this church as well. The imam was arrested and executed, the temple was closed and partially dismantled.

In the 1980s, the Muslim community of Moscow actively petitioned for the return of the mosque building to believers. Their efforts were crowned with success — in the early 90s, believers received a mosque building at their disposal. Political figures and diplomats of Saudi Arabia provided financial assistance in the reconstruction of the temple. In May 1993, the Historical Mosque was inaugurated again.

At the moment, the mosque is the center of historical and cultural life of Muslims in the It has charitable foundations to help the needy, religious and educational centers and a school for the study of the Arabic language and culture.

According to the archives, the mosque was built in August 1823 with the money of the capital's merchants of Tatar origin. There is information that the temple was on this site before, but burned down during the battles with Napoleon's army for Moscow.

First, a small prayer building without minarets was built. However, the community grew and soon the temple became too small to accommodate enough believers. And then, in 1880, it was decided to reconstruct the Historical Mosque for the first time. With the advent of Soviet power, crisis times came for this church as well. The imam was arrested and executed, the temple was closed and partially dismantled.

In the 1980s, the Muslim community of Moscow actively petitioned for the return of the mosque building to believers. Their efforts were crowned with success — in the early 90s, believers received a mosque building at their disposal. Political figures and diplomats of Saudi Arabia provided financial assistance in the reconstruction of the temple. In May 1993, the Historical Mosque was inaugurated again.

At the moment, the mosque is the center of historical and cultural life of Muslims in the It has charitable foundations to help the needy, religious and educational centers and a school for the study of the Arabic language and culture.

According to the archives, the mosque was built in August 1823 with the money of the capital's merchants of Tatar origin. There is information that the temple was on this site before, but burned down during the battles with Napoleon's army for Moscow.

First, a small prayer building without minarets was built. However, the community grew and soon the temple became too small to accommodate enough believers. And then, in 1880, it was decided to reconstruct the Historical Mosque for the first time. With the advent of Soviet power, crisis times came for this church as well. The imam was arrested and executed, the temple was closed and partially dismantled.

In the 1980s, the Muslim community of Moscow actively petitioned for the return of the mosque building to believers. Their efforts were crowned with success — in the early 90s, believers received a mosque building at their disposal. Political figures and diplomats of Saudi Arabia provided financial assistance in the reconstruction of the temple. In May 1993, the Historical Mosque was inaugurated again.

At the moment, the mosque is the center of historical and cultural life of Muslims in the It has charitable foundations to help the needy, religious and educational centers and a school for the study of the Arabic language and culture.


st. Bolshaya Tatarskaya, 28


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