Détails de l'endroit

Détails de l'endroit

Sacrifice Church

Specially for the construction of the Church of the Status of the Robe of Christ the Savior, an artel of Pskov craftsmen was invited to Moscow. The church was built in the 1480s and until the middle of the 17th century, Moscow metropolitans used it as a house church, and later patriarchs settled here. Under Patriarch Nikon, the church was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Grand Ducal Palace, which led to the construction of passages leading to the royal mansions of the female half. And closer to the second half of the 17th century, covered galleries were erected above the porches on the north and west sides.

From the architectural point of view, the church is a small one-domed three-chapsid temple, made of bricks and placed above the basement. Three sides of the church are decorated in the form of a frieze made of terracotta balusters and ornamental slabs.

Specially for the construction of the Church of the Status of the Robe of Christ the Savior, an artel of Pskov craftsmen was invited to Moscow. The church was built in the 1480s and until the middle of the 17th century, Moscow metropolitans used it as a house church, and later patriarchs settled here. Under Patriarch Nikon, the church was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Grand Ducal Palace, which led to the construction of passages leading to the royal mansions of the female half. And closer to the second half of the 17th century, covered galleries were erected above the porches on the north and west sides.

From the architectural point of view, the church is a small one-domed three-chapsid temple, made of bricks and placed above the basement. Three sides of the church are decorated in the form of a frieze made of terracotta balusters and ornamental slabs.

Specially for the construction of the Church of the Status of the Robe of Christ the Savior, an artel of Pskov craftsmen was invited to Moscow. The church was built in the 1480s and until the middle of the 17th century, Moscow metropolitans used it as a house church, and later patriarchs settled here. Under Patriarch Nikon, the church was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Grand Ducal Palace, which led to the construction of passages leading to the royal mansions of the female half. And closer to the second half of the 17th century, covered galleries were erected above the porches on the north and west sides.

From the architectural point of view, the church is a small one-domed three-chapsid temple, made of bricks and placed above the basement. Three sides of the church are decorated in the form of a frieze made of terracotta balusters and ornamental slabs.


yl. 20/6, Dunskaya str.


+7 495 954-15-31

La Source

